If you are a Desert-CAMFT member, click on eBlast Advertising (Members)

eBlast Advertising (Non-Members)

Welcome to Our Monthly eBlast Classified-Styled Advertising Page.

eBlast advertising is one of the most effective ways to get your information out to our sizeable mailing list — a standalone email with other text-based ads sent to our subscribers! Connect with other professionals and increase your exposure!

We've worked to simplify the process of paying for and placing eBlast classified-styled ads. The first step is to read through the submission policies and guidelines. Once you have done that, move on to the submission instructions.

The non-member cost is $40 per issue (month). Non-member advertisers who place a 12-month ad pay $360, a 25 percent reduction of the one-year term. The member cost is $20 per issue (month). Member advertisers who place a 12-month ad pay $180, a 25 percent reduction of the one-year term.

As you can see, if you qualify for membership, members receive a 50 percent discount on the non-member price. If you plan on advertising more than twice a year, you will save money by becoming a member. For information on joining Desert-CAMFT, click Join Us.

Submission Form at Bottom of Page

Policies and Guidelines

  • Email submissions are not accepted!

  • Ads are published in one publication email, which is sent on or about the 1st of each month. Ads will be listed in the order received with the exception of ads placed for one year. They will be placed at the top of the publication.

  • Ads are not proofread. Please review your ad carefully before submitting.

  • Formatting will be done by our advertising committee.

  • Ads are limited to a maximum of 150 characters per bullet point, with 4 mandatory bullet points. If you need to include a link(s) and are short on space, please email chapter.messaging@gmail.com to let us know which word(s) in a particular bullet points you'd like to hyperlink.

Submission deadline 

The 24th of the month (22nd in February) for the next month's eBlast. (All submissions received after the submission deadline will be published in the following month’s publication.) Desert-CAMFT reserves the right to edit or refuse any material.

Important Note: For those submitting in one transaction a single eBlast ad to run in 2 or more consecutive issues, they will still need to abide by the guidelines and submit any edits/updates to their ad by the 24th (or 22nd in February) of each month. If we do not receive an edit/update, the previous month's ad will be used or postponed, at our editor's discretion.

Submission Instructions

  • On the form below, enter the required information and choose the number of months you wish you eBlast to run. 
  • If you opt to run an eBlast for one year, the cost will be automatically calculated.
  • Once you have entered all of your information, click the Submit eBlast button. You will receive confirmation of your purchase via email.

    Questions? Send email to chapter.messaging@gmail.com 

    Desert Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (DESERT-CAMFT)

    For general info, please email: desertcamft1@gmail.com. For specific departments, please click "Contact" in the menu above.