Serving Clients During (COVID-19) Pandemic

Important Information on How To Continue Serving Clients During The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Working Through COVID-19 — Using Video-Conferencing for Sessions

We know this is a stressful time for everyone and we want to let you know that the Desert-CMAFT chapter is here for you! 

First and foremost, we take the health and safety of members and our clients very seriously and want to be able to provide the necessary help and services as seamlessly as possible through this coronavirus crisis. We want to be able to provide support, especially to those of you who may need to use telehealth with your clients, but aren’t very tech savvy.

Online sessions with your clients are definitely different than in-person, but given the current circumstances, it’s a great alternative. 

Here are some HIPAA compliant Telehealth vendors that are popular with psychotherapists:

Disclaimer: CAMFT has an affinity partnership with "Simple Practice." CAMFT does not endorse or have a partnership with the other listed vendors.

NOTE: and Psychology Today (if you are a member) are the only telehealth platforms that are free. It’s easy to use for both the therapist and the client and can be used on a phone, tablet, or computer. Simply sign-up and you can email an invitation to your session to the client. There is no App to install. Once they’re in your virtual waiting room, you click on “Start call” in the upper left corner of the screen and enable your video and microphone if prompted to do so. (Disclaimer: Again, Desert CAMFT does not endorse or have an affinity partnership with or Psychology Today)

If you need any help in learning how to use these tools, feel free to contact Larry Goodman at

You can learn more about telehealth, including insurance reimbursement, BBS qualifications, etc. through the FAQ's on the State CAMFT website which is updated regularly.

Here is a sample Telehealth Informed Consent form if you need one. Feel free to change it however you like. However, a specific Informed Consent is not needed/necessary for telehealth (See: You can simply add some text to your usual informed consent regarding telehealth.

Sample Form
This form will open in a word document on your computer, so that you can make your own edits to the form

Healthy Parents at Home During COVID-19

Here's one place to go to help parents interact constructively with their children during this time of confinement.
Click here for Parent/Child Activity Downloads

Desert Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (DESERT-CAMFT)

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