Submit a Classified Ad 

Classified Ads are placed on the website under the Advertise tab and its selected category. If you'd like your ad to go out in an email to our contacts, please submit an eBlast Ad (member and non-member options also listed under the Advertise tab).

Please Select the Category of Your Classified Ad:

Click Below to Purchase Your Classified Ad

Classified Ads: Members — $25 | Non-Members — $50

Please allow up to 72 hours for your ads to be posted on our website.

Welcome to our Classified Advertising store!

Desert CAMFT classified ads run for 30 days. Expired ads are immediately removed from our system. Please note there is no grace period. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to track the term of their ad. To renew a classified ad advertisers must complete and submit a new advertising form.

View a sample here.

Submission Instructions

  • Select a classified ad category.
  • Click below that on the "Desert-CAMFT Advertising (Classified)" option. 
  • On the order screen click the Add to cart button.
  • Click on View Cart.
  • Click on the Proceed to checkout button.
  • Complete your Classified Advertising purchase using a credit/debit card. Once payment has been made, a confirmation will be sent to you with your invoice, acknowledgement of payment and a link to the Classified Advertising form, ready for fill-in.
Note: Your payment confirmation email will display a link to our Classified Advertising form, where you will again choose the category of your ad, as well as ad details and photos.

Questions? Send email to

Desert Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (DESERT-CAMFT)

For general info, please email: For specific departments, please click "Contact" in the menu above.